Guillon-painturaud estate

Cognac & Pineau Producers
Independent Winegrowers, we farm 19 hectares in Biard, in the heart of Grande Champagne, Cognac's first growth.
Au fil des générations, notre savoir-faire nous a permis de créer de très vieux Pineau et Cognac de qualité et de faire évoluer notre activité, notamment grâce à l’oenotourisme.”

The history of the Estate

The origin of the Guillon-Painturaud family dates back to around 1610. Before being producers of Cognac and Pineau des Charentes, they were weavers. Over the years, the estate and the production have developed well, passing on its savoir-faire through each generation.

Today we are proud to produce our own Cognac and Pineau des Charentes. The 19 hectares are cultivated by us and the fruit of this harvest is distilled, aged and sold at the property. We have been able to expand our range of Cognac and Pineau thanks to the work of previous generations.

Discover the key dates in the history of the Maison!

The origin of the Guillon-Painturaud family dates back to around 1610. Before being producers of Cognac and Pineau des Charentes, they were weavers. Over the years, the estate and the production have developed well, passing on its savoir-faire through each generation.

Our philosophy

Vigneronnes et indépendantes, nous sommes rassemblées sous des valeurs fortes : respect de la tradition, passion et savoir-faire.  De la vigne jusqu’à la bouteille, toutes les étapes de production sont réalisées par nos soins et ce avec la plus grande minutie. Nous avons à coeur de proposer des produits transparents et authentiques, fruits d’un long travail que nous prenons plaisir à partager avec vous.

L’oenotourisme participe à ce partage et cette découverte, sous forme ludique grâce à l’Escape Game ou l’atelier Pineau, ou plus traditionnel, à travers les visites de notre distillerie et de nos chais.

Vigneronnes et indépendantes, nous sommes rassemblées sous des valeurs fortes : respect de la tradition, passion et savoir-faire.  De la vigne jusqu’à la bouteille, toutes les étapes de production sont réalisées par nos soins et ce avec la plus grande minutie.

The secrets of distillation

The distillation is carried out in two heatings, thanks to a still, known as a Charentais still.

This still is composed of a copper pot with a characteristic shape, heated over an open fire (right in the pot) and topped by a "Chapiteau", extended by a swan's neck that turns into a coil and passes through a cooling basin called "pipe".

We use a century-old still to distill our harvest. Its history and secrets have been passed down from generation to generation.

Let's discover the distillation of Cognac together!

We use a century-old still to distill our harvest. Its history and secrets have been passed down from generation to generation.

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